Celebrating 5 Years: Katie Long
They say time flies when you’re having fun. And since we’ve enjoyed every second since Katie Long became a Pepper, it’s no wonder that we are now celebrating her five-year Pepperversary!
Katie is one of our Peppers that does not work in the creative realm, but that doesn’t discount her value in the least! She possesses leadership and organizational skills that complement her self-driven work ethic beautifully. Katie’s presence and track record represent Eleven Peppers to the fullest on every project she tackles!
To learn more about Katie, keep scrolling to read our special interview and infographic!

1. Best part of working at Eleven Peppers Studios?
The people! I’ve never felt SO welcomed at any other place I’ve worked.
2. If you were a pepper, what type would you be and why?
Well, my shirt says I’m a Cabernet Bell Pepper, and that’s because who doesn’t enjoy a nice Cabernet?
3. What is your favorite 11p event?
Well, we haven’t gone on the cruise yet, so probably my very first 11P event which I was invited to before I even officially started. We went to Breakout to try our skills at their escape rooms and then to Bertucci’s for pizza. I met so many great people that day and knew I had made the right decision to become a Pepper!
4. What is your favorite present ever received from 11p?
The pie we got as part of our 2020 gift basket. OMG that was good.
5. What is your favorite 11p memory?
The Adopt-a-Family 2021 activities. I really enjoyed shopping for a family, trying to get the most we could for them for the money we had and wrapping those gifts up knowing that they really need those items and there were going to be smiles on their faces Christmas morning.
6. Name a Pepper you can always lean on for support or advice:
There are so many… to name a few, though: Jaymie is always in my corner. Brian has helped me noodle a few things out. Dave always has great beer advice.
7. Name a Pepper whose work ethic inspires you:
I’m going to have to go with Jaymie again. She always has a lot on her plate, but she’s always rocking everything she’s working on.
8. My spice meter :
1. What is your favorite Spartan Race you’ve run?
I don’t have a favorite race, but I do have a favorite race venue. When Spartan runs races in Virginia, they’re held at Infinity Downs and they’re always held in the fall. They run us through changing fall foliage, a pumpkin patch, a graveyard… all the fall feels! Additionally, this race venue is just down the mountain from Skyline Drive and not far from the Devil’s Backbone Base Camp, both of which make for fun post-race activities.
2. If you could choose anything to do for a day, what would it be?
I would be on Waikiki beach enjoying the sun, sand, water from my lounge or floatie chair with a piña colada in my hand.
3. Would you rather run, ride a bike, or swim?
If those are my choices, I’ll go with swim, but I’m going to caveat that it’s more of a float in crystal blue Hawaiian waters.
4. When you meal prep, what is your favorite dish you look forward to?
I’m a big fan of taco/burrito type bowls. They’re easy to prep and always hit the spot.
5. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
Neve Campbell.
6. What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?
A flint, rope and a life straw.
7. What is your best cat story?
I have plenty of stories about Dini (short for Houdini) scaring the daylights out of me (illness, getting “lost” in new hiding spots, getting stuck in a shopping bag, etc.) but my favorite things about him are how he knows when it’s bedtime and comes out to the living room to stare at me if it’s later than that and how he knows when I’m not feeling well and he just lies on my chest purring. I swear that’s some of the best medicine available.
8. Where is your favorite place to travel?
Hawaii. Hands down. It’s so beautiful, the weather is fantastic, the people are welcoming and there’s such a rich history there. I hope to travel to Maui sometime in the next few years, but they definitely need some time to heal and rebuild first.
9. What’s your favorite type of workout?
A “chipper” workout. This is usually a longer workout (something like 100 air squats, 90 sit-ups, 80 alternating lunges, 70 burpees, 60-second plank, 50 mountain climbers, 40 push-ups, 30 hollow rocks, 20 jump squats, 10 hand release push-ups) and you have to complete the stated reps of one movement before you move onto the next movement. It’s a “put your head down and work type of workout” and definitely requires you to enter your own personal pain cave, but that’s what I love about it.
10. What is your favorite craft beer?
I honestly don’t have a favorite. When I’m at a brewery, I scan the menu for stouts and porters and then pick the one that sounds the best.