Celebrating 5 Years: Kristen Price
Cheers to 5 years! We’re excited to congratulate Kristen Price on this momentous milestone. And as a way to celebrate her contributions as a Pepper, we created an infographic featuring her favorite memories and personal passions.

1. Best part of working at Eleven Peppers Studios?
Most definitely the people – everyone I’ve met is so kind and welcoming.
2. If you were a pepper, what type would you be and why?
Green Chili – I love a good green chili pepper, and I’m always a little “chilly” 😊.
3. What is your favorite 11p event?
I love any chance to see a show – so definitely the Toby’s Dinner Theatre outing (doubly great, because there was food involved – how can you go wrong?)
4. What is your favorite present ever received from 11p?
Our Christmas goodie basket in 2020. While 2020 was a dark year for almost everyone, 11P found a fun way to spread and deliver cheer!
5. What is your favorite 11p memory?
Though I didn’t go on the cruise, I loved the video that Kristen and Bryan used to announce the cruise. So cute!
6. Name a Pepper you can always lean on for support or advice:
Christina Cumberland – She’s so great at what she does, and is a fabulous problem-solver. She’s also just an all-around wonderful person, and I’m so happy we’re friends!
7. Name a Pepper whose work ethic inspires you:
Deb Williams – That creative mind of hers never seems to stop. She’s always there to provide a new and exciting idea, solve all the problems or lend a hand when you need it. She’s all-around lovely, and I’m so happy I get to have her as my lead and friend!
8. My spice meter :
Complete wimpWill proceed with caution- A subtle flame
A little sweat never hurtThe spicier, the better!
1. What is your favorite genre of books?
It’s hard to pick just one. But currently, I’m really loving romance, mysteries, and travel writing.
2. What’s a recent book you read and loved?
“The Seven Year Slip” by Ashley Poston was so great! It’s a little bit romantic, and a little bit fantasy, and all around wonderful.
3. What is your favorite type of tea?
English Breakfast (no flavors for this girl – plain black with a little milk is perfect!)
4. What is next on your list to see on Broadway?
I’m so excited to see George Clooney in his Broadway debut (Good Night and Good Luck) – though, I need to wait until 2025 for that.
5. What is your favorite Broadway show of all time?
The first musical I ever saw was Jesus Christ Superstar, however the first show I saw on Broadway was The Phantom of the Opera – so those have a very special place in my heart. But, Come from Away is up there at the top of my favorites of all time, as well.
6. What is your favorite thing about traveling to England?
I love the people and the history. There’s history around every corner there. And so much to see and do, and eat!
7. Where is the coolest place you’ve drank tea in England?
The garden of a Cotswold Cottage.
8. What is your favorite part about scrapbooking?
Having the memories to look back on for years and years.
9. Do you have a favorite craft/project you’ve worked on with the Cricut?
My Cricut was definitely a Covid splurge, and I haven’t used it as much as I’ve liked.