Pepper Talk with Halie Wickiser
Welcome back to Pepper Talk, this month we’re getting up-close and personal with Halie! Just a little background before we get started, Halie works on the Commercial Team tackling projects that need user experience solutions. She’s been with Eleven Peppers for almost one year!
1. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
Any European countries, I love their cultural balance of work, family, and community. However, I don’t know if I could handle being so far from family for too long.
2. How did you get started in UX?
I originally planned on going to Savannah College of Art and Design to study 3D Animation, but as I researched their other programs, I found they had a Concentration in Interactive Design that really sparked my interest. It’s pretty much history from there, as I continued with my study, I became more and more interested in the UX process and how it impacted the design of all products and tools.
3. What is your favorite thing about your career?
UX allows me to branch out into countless industries and gain endless knowledge. Ideating, creating, and learning with experts of all types is personally very rewarding.
4. If money was no object, what would you do all day?
I’m always doing new things, so I don’t think there’s one thing I’d like to do every day, but I would probably travel to as many places as possible and learn as many languages as I could. I believe there is so much to gain from understanding and experiencing other cultures.
5. What’s your favorite holiday? Why?
I come from a family of 10, so any Holiday where we all get together is the best for me, typically that’s Christmas, but Thanksgiving is also great because it’s generally a lot less work than Christmas and we get more time to just enjoy each other’s company.
6. What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?
Julie Andrews hands down. She is one of the classiest women in Hollywood and has given us so many classics to appreciate.
8. Rapid-Fire Round:
Caffeine or no: In tea? Yes, please. Coffee? I’ll take decaf.
Sweet or savory: Sweet. I wouldn’t mind eating fruit salad for every meal.
Favorite movie: Movies I can watch anytime on repeat is ‘The Titanic’ and ‘Avatar’ – I guess I am a James Cameron fan!
Favorite place to travel: My favorite travel experiences have always been more about who I’m with than where I am. My most recent travel to the coast of Italy proved to be one of the best. I was with my best friends and got to meet and spend time with a hilarious and welcoming Italian family which made it even more spectacular than just the gorgeous views.
Hobbies: Anything that allows me to be crafty or solve a puzzle. You can typically find me with knitting needles or my book of crosswords. I also enjoy Music festivals, game nights, yoga, dancing, and backyard volleyball.

Thanks for meeting Halie. As always, stay tuned for next month’s Pepper Talk to meet another member of our team!