Pepper Talk with Mark Tullis

We’re diving in deep to get to know Mark Tullis for this month’s Pepper Talk!

Mark is a Principal Multimedia Designer supporting a government contract and joined Eleven Peppers in January 2024.

1. Do you have any nicknames?
I don’t really have a nickname, however, some people think I look like Jeremy Renner. On occasion, friends will call me Hawkeye. When End Game was in theaters, complete strangers would come up to me and say I looked just like Hawkeye. It was crazy!

2. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
I resist the urge to hit snooze when my alarm goes off at 4 am, eat a quick breakfast, and arrive at the gym by 4:30 am. It never gets easier! 🙂

3. What is your favorite part about working as a multimedia designer?
I love the challenge of taking the customer’s ideas/requests and turning them into a creative solution that hopefully exceeds their expectations.

4. How did you get started in this industry?
I received my Bachelor’s degree in Landscape Architecture, which was a great creative outlet, but unfortunately didn’t pay well enough. I went back to school and got my Master’s degree in Instructional Technology. After graduating, I worked as an Instructional Designer, but always gravitated toward multimedia design. Over time, I migrated away from instructional design to become a full-time multimedia designer.

5. What are your favorite tools of the trade? What are the worst?
I love the entire Adobe suite. There isn’t really a tool that comes to mind that I feel is the worst.

6. Do you have a set process when working on a new design project?
I tend to do quick design or animation mockups that I can run by the customer for input. After some back-and-forth, I’m able to focus on a specific design approach the customer is happy with and begin refining it.

8. Rapid-Fire Round:

Caffeine or no: Yes, but not coffee.

Sweet or savory: Sweet and savory, for sure. The combination is amazing!

Favorite TV show: Brooklyn 99 is hands down my favorite show! One of my favorite episodes was when Jake has the guys in a police lineup sing “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys. Hilarious!!! If you haven’t seen that episode, you have to Google it!

Favorite place to travel: Probably Utah since that is where all 3 of our married boys live. Not to mention the skiing is amazing!

Hobbies: Skiing

9. Okay, admission time… If you could pick one design that you wish you had come up with first, what would it be?
The new KIA logo. It might sound crazy, but I wasn’t a fan of KIA until they came out with their new logo. It makes all the difference!

Thanks for meeting Mark. As always, stay tuned for next month’s Pepper Talk to meet another member of our team!